Even on a dreary January day, living in Saratoga Springs is great! Today was anything but dreary, and March really did go out like a lamb. The sunny skies and the 50 something degree weather really picked me up. It's amazing what you miss when you're always in a car. Although I convinced myself that I walk so much, my walking is, at least in the colder months, limited to an occasional stroll to Beverly's on Phila Street, and traverses to the bars on Caroline Street or the coffee places on Broadway. It wasn't until today that I realized just how much there is to see on foot. As the weather improves, I hope to discover more on my walks, runs, and bicycle trips.
What got me talking about this is that I did a 4-1/2 mile run from the new west side YMCA today. I discovered a bicycle/walking path that I had read about in the past, but never went on, and I made my loop through Congress Park. It was just a great run - the park had a lot of people in it enjoying the day and I really am glad I discovered the bike path. I would like to give credit to both the designers and builders of that path. I love the fact that it is really two paths - an ashpalt path for bikers, walkers, and rollerbladers, and then a fine gravel path next to it (lots of pebbles) which is easy on the knees for runners, plus it has decent drainage. Very well done! I tried finding a map of it but was so far unable - I'll keep this positive and simply say the Saratoga Springs city government web site has a way to go. The path isn't that long - maybe half a mile. It goes from New Street/Congress Ave, across from the YMCA entrance, to West Circular Street - more or less behind the Ballston Ave Price Chopper. Again I liked the fact that it was really two paths.
I will post several pictures of my run route below - although these pictures were from later in the day after I ran home to get my camera. Some of them will be obvious, and some I will explain here. I never saw that staircase, which is apparently a memorial, that went from the south side of the park up to the Holiday Inn north parking lot. It was a really nice touch to that area of the park, although because it was so late in the day the lighting wasn't ideal, so it may be dark. I have a few of the bikepath (thank you to the fella who posed with the kids on their bikes) and then a few of the YMCA and what apparently is the beginnings of another bike path (I believe an eventual extension of the other) which starts on West Ave and goes behind the YMCA. I have mentioned before that the new Y is a bold and stately building - you will notice that they need a nice bold sign or lettering identifying the building - out front. I am guessing that is in the works.
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