Wow! Was I in a funk! I had a lot going on personally and professionally a - nothing real bad - just hectic with summer stuff and a trip thrown in. Then combined with all that busy stuff I just sort of had a bit of writer's block - I knew I was out of the loop for almost two months and I was looking for a way to jump start myself.
Well I didn't have to jump start myself - someone else got me going. I really appreciate the blogger at The Zen Birdfeeder for "tagging" me (when I really needed it) and getting me back into this. Here are the rules for tagging, as taken off his site:
Players start with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your blog, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them they’re tagged, and to read your blog.
Well here we go on my eight random facts:
1. I am from the Buffalo, NY area, and yes, I'm a Buffalo Bills fan.
2. I live in a beautiful old house - and we occasionally have bats that get in and fly around. I've become quite adept at catching (read: killing) them. I'd like to catch and release - but haven't mastered that just yet.
3. I am presently on the Capital Region's worst softball team. We are like 0-11 and we keep getting blown out.
4. I've been around the S.U.N.Y. system. I've attended S.U.N.Y. Buffalo (both undergrad and Law School), S.U.N.Y. Potsdam, S.U.N.Y. Brockport, and S.U.N.Y. Fredonia.
5. Two of my favorite Saratoga Springs restaurants are two of the most casual, and actually also two of the most inexpensive ones. PJ's Barbecue has great picnic type food and is a really fun experience (also kid friendly), and Bruno's Restaurant has great Italian and is right across from the track.
6. I ran a the Marine Corps Marathon a few years back. I ran it in 4 hours and 10 minutes - not bad for the slow and chubby second string center from my high school football team. More importantly, I raised more than $12,000 for the Leukemia Society's Team in Training program, which has people run marathons half marathons, and triathalons to raise money for leukemia research. I strongly urge anyone to check it out - even if you think you can't run a marathon or a half - take it from me you probably can.
7. I was once so disgusted with the choices in a Republican presidential primary vote that I wrote in Richard Nixon. This was a few years after his death.
8. I would love to play in a local rock band. One of these days, when I have time, I'll finally continue up my guitar lessons (or maybe I'll try drums) and damn it I'm going to do it. Also, I absolutely love rockabilly music, and am big fans of the Lustre Kings and Rocky Velvet - two Albany area bands. Here in Saratoga, I am a fan of George Fletcher and his two bands.
OK, now the hard part - find 8 people to tag and list them here. Well guess I will pos this much now then work on tagging people and listing them here.
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