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June 23, 2009


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Looks like the pizza place on Fish Creek is in the building that used to house Chameleon on the Lake?


Yes you are correct. I forgot to link a Saratoga Seen posting from last December on the place, which mentions that it was formerly Chameleon on the Lake. To view that entry, click on: http://blog.timesunion.com/saratogaseen/go-now-to-harvest-hearth/945/


I have to disagree with this review of Sabina's. I have been there for both lunch and dinner with my wfie and we had a wonderful meal each time. The lasagna pizza was incredible. Could not wait to go back and get it again. As a matter of fact we are going for lunch tomorrow. We will be there at Noon! On top of the great food we found the service was exceptional I will go back many, many more times.


Well Mike, as you can see this entry was posted 9 months ago, so I am not sure if the place has changed for the better or if I just have a different opinion than you. Since I did eat there soon after it opened and may have suffered through some early hiccups, maybe I should give it a chance again. Take care.

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