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June 29, 2009


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Dan, the good news is that you can still get great fresh fish from Putnam Market. You need to get on their email distribution list and order it that way. If they get enough orders (they usually do), they notify you via an email note and you can pick up the fresh fish Friday afternoon.


Hey thanks Susan I didn't know that. You know, I even asked a staff member there about the fresh fish and all that she told me was that they discontinued it in January - she never told me about the option you just mentioned. That's odd isn't it? Well thanks for that info.



Try Feigenbaum's for fixing pants. The price is comparable to your guy in Latham. Feigenbaum's is a Glens Falls business, but has been in Saratoga Springs for over 20 years.


Thanks Matt for that info I appreciate it.

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