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July 27, 2009


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Speaking of places for sale, what's up with the Bread Basket?
I couldn't see 'cause I was driving, but was there a For Sale sign out front?
I thought you said you were friends with the owners.
I truly hope this isn't true.
I love that place.


Thanks Ellen but I am pretty sure that's just the lot next door. I do not believe that place is for sale.


Yes, I now see it's for the lot next door.
I was turning onto Circular and saw the sign quickly and it looked like it was for the Bread Basket.
So glad it wasn't!


Been to The Big Apple twice when it first opened to give it a chance. It's just OK. Caters to the older, weekly "prime rib" crowd with some basic Italian stand-bys. Nothing to write home about.


Hey Tim thanks for writing - I had heard something similar. My belief is that if you're not on the downtown strip or very close to it you better be stellar to survive. That's why PJ's, Beekman Street Bistro, and a few others do great and others seem to come and go. Right now there are at least 3 properties for sale on South Broadway - the old Paradiso location, the old Weathervane Seafood place, and now the Big Apple. I don't think it's the economy either, those are just tough locations for restaurants.

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