I still haven't received my refund check I was owed from NYRA for the Saratoga reserved seats which I paid for back in January (Read more about that here). So, being that it is basically September, I called there today to politely ask for my money back. So the woman who answered gave me an answer that was regrettably all too common from NYRA when it comes to reserved seating, she said "As far as I know, the checks have all been issued." I hate hearing qualfiers like "As far as I know" when I call the precise office that is supposed to have an answer. Luckily she did give me a number down at Belmont to call and the person who answered there said my check went out on Saturday. Therefore I assume I will get it sometime this week.
I want to be a supporter of NYRA because I have seen some good things from them and we are basically stuck with them, but it's things like this (incompetence? lack of integrity while keeping interest on all that money?) that make steam come out of my ears.
Well the real bad news is that despite the beautiful weather yesterday (Sunday) and today, the Saratoga Race Course seemed to have that post Travers blues thing going. It's just more subdued and less exciting, along with a hint of autumn in the air, indicating that the track and summer season is once again close to the end. Let's hope a certain "faster than a speeding bullet" superfilly can help the track go out with a huge crowd and a celebratory party at the Woodward Stakes race this coming Saturday! C'mon Rachel Alexandra, we're counting on ya! See you then.
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