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February 25, 2011


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Mr. Sunshine

I can't take much more of this relentless winter! No "Fun in Saratoga" today!


Oh man you said it. I had an appointment in Albany that I wanted to keep and I said to myself "I'm from Buffalo, I have all wheel drive and good tires, I'm going!" But the northway was a crawl, and despite the accuratate forecast, there was scant evidence of a plow, so I got off at exit 13 and came home. Yuck!


Max London's, one of my favorite downtown eateries, serves brunch on Saturdays and Sundays. I have only experienced dinner there, but I imagine their brunch is nothing to turn your nose up at. At least the choices look pretty darn tasty. Check out their menu at maxlondons.com.


Hey thanks Tim I didn't even know that!

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