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January 01, 2012


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Not surprising that the TU finally killed the residents' blog, especially having experienced their disinterest in reiviving it firsthand. I guess they figure Saratoga Seen has it covered (which they certainly do). Still it's disappointing that people showed an interest in posting to it, and they basically were ignored.


putting pressure on these establishments to not attract the types of people who would carry and use a weapon in a bar.

So, how do you identify "the types of people who would carry and use a weapon in a bar"? What are they currently doing to attract them?


Thanks Tim. To B - Understand my comment was general in nature, and not about any specific bar. The first way to avoid trouble and violence is for bars to not attract underage drinkers - underage drinkers are a sure recipe for trouble. Secondly, bars have to consistently police the interior and nearby exterior of their places - have plenty of staff to respond to trouble before it gets out of hand, and ensure there is no illegal drug activity. Drugs sometimes mean weapons - if you're looking the other way on drugs - then you may be asking for trouble on weapons. Eject troublemakers and press charges when unlawful activity does occur. If the city and liquor authority ensures the bars just enforce some of these basic laws and rules, it will send the message and we won't get to the bigger problems like stabbings and shootings.


Dan - My thoughts on controlling violence in Saratoga bars (which is frankly overblown as it's very safe to go out in the city). The bars need to hire better bouncers and the bars need to work together in eliminating the troublemakers. How about a system of cooperation whereby if you're ejected from one bar, you're ejected from all of them? There are obviously logistical issues that would need to be worked out, but I know that often times people are thrown out of one bar and then go to another, just to cause more trouble there. If you can identify these people early, they won't be around to cause problems later.

And The Metro is catering to a specific crowd and should be held accountable for the actions of their patrons. I mean, the place was advertising "Mischief Night" the Friday after Thanksgiving. Who do you think shows up for that kind of event? The place is trash and giving all of Saratoga a bad name.


Thanks for the reply Dan, those sound like steps a lot of bars on Pearl St. in Albany need to take more seriously too.

I'm sure the financial pressures that everyone is feeling don't help. No bar wants to kick out a paying customer (and thus all their friends) if they can help it.

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