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July 25, 2014


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I had a moment of panic on Saturday when I was trying to watch the Jim Dandy. I can't believe that only TVG was showing a race that feature the Belmont winner and several other well-known triple crown horses. As a Saratoga guy that lives outside the area, I lived vicariously through NBC's coverage the last few years to see the town and the track. A real shame that the coverage has been so dramatically reduced. I wonder if the new NYRA regime does not have the same relationship with NBC?

Dan De Federicis

Geez Rob that had to suck to not be able to get NBC Saratoga coverage - they do such a good job. I am not a fan of the new regime but I don't think they can be blamed for this. Seems like it's just a case of shifting priorities for the network. Good hearing from you Rob.

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