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May 24, 2011


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You know what go great in the borders building: another bar. (Just saying...) As for the students from Spain, when I was in high school my Mother had a thing for hosting students from other countries; I am pretty sure she just thought it would be more children around the house thus, more slave labor. We really liked the ones from France, they are my friends on Facebook. The ones from Spain though we did not like that much. The way it generally works is they have English classes during the day that someone picks them up for and other planned activities throughout the course of their stay. You are supposed to kinda show them around but it is more feeding them and putting a roof over their heads. I have never seen the signs done any other way in Poughkeepsie or here. I am sure someone makes a couple grand by getting suckers to host students and tell the students they get to go to the US. It pushes all the costs on someone else and makes you feel bad that you don't want to host students who need some place to live. While they just rake in the cash by keeping overhead low (hence the cardboard signs).

Dan De Federicis

Thanks for commenting everybody. Those cardboard signs just took me aback. I tried renting out an apartment in Albany recently using Craig's list and man did that bring out the wierdos. I would have to think cardboard signs do the same thing - isn't there a better way through the schools, churches etc. to find suitable host families and would you send your kid overseas knowing this was the method used?


I saw the same exact cardboard signs in Queensbury and Glens Falls last summer. Has anyone tried to call the number to see if it's legit or is it just some obscure graffiti art?

Kristi Gustafson

Thank you for the link.

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